Assignemnt #45
/// Name: Sam Menar
/// Period: 6
/// Program Name: ChooseYourOwnAdventure
/// File Name:
/// Date Finished: 11/9/2015
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ChooseYourOwnAdventure
public static void main( String[] args )
String a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7;
String attic, eat, go, fly, leave, use, bum, door, store, noodle, snickers, train, now, later;
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Welcome to Sam's Crappy Game :( ");
System.out.println(" ");
System.out.println("You wake up in a strange room. There is a door, and a ladder to an attic.");
System.out.println("Do you go to the \"attic\" or do you exit the building through the \"door\"?");
System.out.print("> ");
a1 =;
System.out.println(" ");
if ( a1.equals("attic"))
System.out.println("You climb the ladder into the attic and you see a chest. You open the chest");
System.out.println("and see a pizza with a note saying it will give you super powers.");
System.out.println("Do you \"eat\" the pizza or \"leave\" it alone like a stupid idiot.");
System.out.print("> ");
a2 =;
System.out.println(" ");
if ( a2.equals("eat"))
System.out.println("You eat the pizza and are now able to fly and you also have lazer vision.");
System.out.println("You hear someone cry for help. Do you \"go\" to help the person or do you ");
System.out.println("run out of the building to \"fly\" with the birds? ");
System.out.println(" ");
System.out.print("> ");
a3 =;
System.out.println(" ");
if ( a3.equals("go"))
System.out.println("You exit the building to try and save the person but are unaware that there");
System.out.println("is a giant human being named Trevor who jumped off the top of the building. ");
System.out.println("He lands on you and his immense weight of 9,372lbs crushes you. YOU ARE DEAD. ");
else if ( a3.equals("fly"))
System.out.println("You see a window and you jump out unaware that you are on the top floor and");
System.out.println("you acutally can't fly. You fall to your death because you are a pathetic ");
System.out.println("good for nothing loser... like Raff. ");
else if ( a2.equals("leave"))
System.out.println("You see a crytal ball next to the pizza. Do you \"use\" the crystal ball,");
System.out.println("or do you act like a complete \"bum\" and leave that alone too?");
System.out.print("> ");
a4 =;
System.out.println(" ");
if ( a4.equals("use"))
System.out.println("You use the crystal ball and see a terrifying image of the largest.");
System.out.println("woman alive... you know who im talking about. Anyways, this woman is ");
System.out.println("so morbidly obese you decide to end your life by smashing the crystal ");
System.out.println("ball into your pathetic ugly face. ");
else if ( a4.equals("bum"))
System.out.println("You are a bum.");
else if ( a1.equals("door"))
System.out.println("You exit the room and notice you are being followed. There is a Toys R Us and a ");
System.out.println("train that goes to Big-Noseville. Do you go to the \"store\" or hop aboard to \"train\"");
System.out.print("> ");
a5 =;
System.out.println(" ");
if ( a5.equals("store"))
System.out.println("You get to the store and realize you are being followed by a murderer.");
System.out.println("You decide to fight the murderer. You have to choices for your weapons. ");
System.out.println("Do you choose a pool \"noodle\" or a \"snickers\"? ");
System.out.print("> ");
a6 =;
System.out.println(" ");
if ( a6.equals("noodle"))
System.out.println("You get shot by the murderer because you are distracted by the fact ");
System.out.println("that the pool noodle is green and not blue. By the way, you're kind");
System.out.println("of a dumb retard for choosing a pool noodle you degenerate. ");
else if ( a6.equals("snickers"))
System.out.println("You get shot in the neck by the murderer's NERF N-STRIKE ELITE");
System.out.println("RAPIDSTRIKE CS-18 BLASTER before you even get the chance to eat the snickers.");
System.out.println("The nerf bullet hits you straight at your adam's apple and you die ");
System.out.println("because you are weak and pathetic. ");
else if ( a5.equals("train"))
System.out.println("You hop aboard the train and arrive in Big-Noseville. You see Raff there.");
System.out.println("Do you kill yourself \"now\" or \"later\"?");
System.out.print("> ");
a7 =;
System.out.println(" ");
if ( a7.equals("now"))
System.out.println("You see a wall and smash your face into it repeatedly.");
else if ( a7.equals("later"))
System.out.println("You can't wait, so you kill yourself now by running in front of the next train.");
Picture of the output